FRECKLES PEN: We made a freckle cosmetic pen that creates freckles so you can get that effect, naturally gorgeous complexion anytime you want without ever having to step into the sunshine. Temporary freckle skin tint.
EASY TO APPLY: Just choose the right position (usually above the bridge of the nose) and use our freckles pen or fingers to apply on the face, wherever you want. Easy to apply, when you return home after applying makeup for a whole day, you can easily remove it with your favorite makeup remover.
PRODUCT EFFICACY: Temporary freckle skin tint freckle cosmetic pen in brown color marks. Original and natural freckles makeup. Beautifully depicted, pointing out natural artificial small freckles.
Style: natural color
Specifications: normal specifications
Suitable for skin type: general
Efficacy: Concealer
Concealer area: face
Color classification: light brown, dark brown
Package Content:
Freckle pen*1
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